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Thursday, February 26, 2015

Effective Effort: You Can Learn Anything

"Challenges are what make life interesting. Overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."
Joshua J. Marine

Mrs. Chrystall's favorite quote from the video: 
"What really helps your brain is when you struggle with things.  Research shows that your brain grows the most, not when you get a question right, but when you get a question wrong... When you challenge your brain, when you review why you got it wrong, when you really process that feedback, that's when your brain grows the most."

This graphic shows the correlation between working hard and using effective strategies to boost achievement and confidence.

Smart Strategies To Help You Learn

Take a look at these learning strategies, boys and girls.... Which do you use?

• I draw pictures or diagrams to help me understand the subject.

• I make up questions that I try to answer about a subject, concept or topic.

• When I am learning something new, I think back to what I already know about it.

• I discuss what I am doing in this subject with others.

• I practice things over and over until I know them well.

I think about my thinking, to check if I understand the ideas in this subject.

• When I don’t understand something, I go back over it again.

• I make a note of things that I don’t understand very well, so that I can follow them up.

• When I have finished an activity, I look back to see how well I did.

• I organize my time to manage my learning.

• I make plans for how to do the activities in class.

The Growth Mindset

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Nonfiction Reading test is Wednesday

“I Can” Read Nonfiction
Trimester 2 Summative Reading Information Test

On your final nonfiction reading test of the second trimester, you should be able to show that YOU CAN do the following.  The test covers all the reading informational (RI) standards we worked on during trimester 2.  The test is scheduled for Wednesday, March 4th.

I can read, understand and discuss informational texts I read.
RI.4.1 I can explain what informational text teaches me by referring to details and examples from the text.
RI.4.1 I can draw inferences from informational texts by referring to details and examples from the text.
RI.4.2 I can figure out the main idea in informational texts.
RI.4.2 I can explain how the main idea in informational texts is supported by the details in the text.
RI.4.2 I can use my own words to summarize informational texts I have read.
RI.4.3 I can read about a technical procedure, idea or concept and explain what and why it happened using information that was given in the text.
RI.4.4 I can figure out the meanings of words and phrases in science and social studies texts.
RI.4.5 I can describe the organization (e.g., time order, comparison, cause & effect or problem & solution) of events, ideas, concepts or information in informational texts.
RI.4.9 I can use information from two different informational texts on the same topic to help me write or speak with knowledge about the topic.
RI.4.10 I can read and understand 4th grade informational texts independently.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Reading Literature Test is on Wednesday

On Wednesday, students will take their 2nd Trimester reading literature test. Students will have to independently read a short story, and then answer questions based on the standards below.

“I Can” Read Fiction
(Reading – Literature)

I can read, understand and discuss the fiction stories I read.

  • RL.4.1 I can explain a story by referring to details and examples in the text.
  • RL.4.2 I can figure out the theme of a fiction text by thinking about the details in the text.
  • RL.4.2 I can summarize a fiction text in my own words.
  • RL.4.3 I can use specific details in fiction text to help me describe a character, setting or event in the story.
  • RL.4.4 I can figure out the meanings of words and phrases an author uses (context clues, root words, etc).
  • RL.4.5 I can write about the differences between poems, plays and fictional stories.
  • RL.4.5 I can refer to specific elements of poems (verse, rhythm, meter) and plays (characters, settings, descriptions, dialogue, stage directions) when I write or talk about a piece of fiction.
  • RL.4.7 I can make connections between a written text and a visual or oral presentation of the same text.
  • RL.4.10 I can read and understand fourth grade stories, plays and poems independently.

For practice, you can have your child read the short story, "Davy is Absent," and discuss the questions following. Also, be sure to ask them to identify the theme and the genre (poetry, drama or prose). Use the "I CAN" statements above to help guide your discussion.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

PARCC Testing Schedule

4th Grade:
Monday, March 9th: Test #1 (Reading)
Thursday, March 12th: Test #2 (Reading)
Friday, March 13th: Test #3 (Reading)
Monday, March 16th: Test #4 (Math)
Thursday, March 19th: Test #5 (Math)

Photos from 2015!

Awesome Author Visit!  Mac Barnett & Jory John

Super Bowl Party- throwing paper football contests

Science: Land & Water Labs

Mystery Reader!!

 Art Appreciation: The kids learned about a variety of different landform artists and then they made snow crop circles using human compasses. 
Valentine Exchange 

Horseshoe Hooray Raffle Winner!!!  

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Spelling Bee

Hello Families,

The 4th grade spelling bee is on Thursday 2/26 @ 6:30pm.  Here is the 4th grade word list to study.   The kids can sign up near the main office.  I will be there as a judge :)  I'm looking forward to seeing many of the kids from our class at the Bee!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Times Tables

I just came across this great article explaining the importance of really knowing times tables.  It also has tips for helping your child get better with their times tables!  I thought you all might enjoy this quick read.